In 1995, the French animation company Saban (now called SIP Animation) created a series of 52 13-minute Iznogoud cartoons. They have been translated into German, Dutch, English, Greek, and possibly other languages as well. Though the French, German, Dutch, and Greek versions have been available on video, the English version has not so far... although episodes in English have aired on the BBC.

You can view a sample video of the show's intro in English here. Thanks very much to Milena for providing the clip. The theme song (for the French version, at least) was performed by Alain Garcia and Michel Dax, and was available as a single as well.

To the right is a press release announcing the availability of the series on videotape.

FRANCE - Citél Video releases:

Iznogoud - Le Tapis Magique (The Magic Carpet)
(VHS 1996, DVD 2004 Citél Video)

4 complete episodes:

1. Le Tapis Magique (The Magic Carpet)
2. Noirs Dessins (Dark Designs)
3. Le Talisman du Tartare (The Tartar Talisman)
4. La Tête de Turc (The Turkish Head)

Iznogoud - Le Jour des Fous (The Day of Fools)
(VHS 1996, DVD 2004 Citél Video)

4 complete episodes:

1. Le Jour des Fous (The Day of Fools)
2. Le Sosie (The Double)
3. Le Musée de Cire (The Wax Museum)
4. Chassé-Croisé (To and Fro)

Iznogoud - Sports dans le Califat (Sports in the Caliphate)
(VHS 1996 Citél Video)

4 complete episodes:

1. Sports dans le Califat (Sports in the Caliphate)
2. La Chasse au Tigre (The Tiger Hunt)
3. La Route qui ne va Nulle Part (The Road to Nowhere)
4. Le Pique-Nique (The Picnic)

Iznogoud - Scandale au Califat (Scandal in the Caliphate)
(VHS 1996 Citél Video)

4 complete episodes:

1. Scandale au Califat (Scandal in the Caliphate)
2. L'Isle des Souvenirs (The Island of Memories)
3. Le Diamant de Malheur (The Unlucky Diamond)
4. L'Onguent Mysterieux (The Mysterious Ointment)

L'Integrale Iznogoud (The Integral Iznogoud)
(VHS 2001 Citél Video)

Boxed set with all 52 adventures on 6 video cassettes
(Included free t-shirt in limited quantities)

FRANCE - M6 releases:

Iznogoud volume 1 - Le Vacances du Calife (The Caliph's Vacation)
(DVD January 26, 2005 M6)

1. Les vacances d'été (Summer Holidays)
2. Sports dans le Califat (Sports in the Caliphate)
3. La croisière du Calife (The Caliph's Cruise)
4. La bonbonne de Gazbutahn (The Flask of Gasbutan)
5. Le musée de cire (The Wax Museum)
6. L'élève d'Iznogoud (Iznogoud's Pupil)

Iznogoud volume 2 - Le Jour des Fous (The Day of Fools)
(DVD January 26, 2005 M6)

1. Le jour des fous (The Day of Fools)
2. Le défi (The Challenge)
3. Le labyrinthe (The Labyrinth)
4. Elections dans le Califat (Elections in the Caliphate)
5. Noirs dessins (Dark Designs)
6. Le talisman du Tartare (The Tartar Talisman)

Iznogoud volume 3 - Le Tapis Magique (The Magic Carpet)
(DVD 2005 M6)

1. Le tapis magique (The Magic Carpet)
2. La boîte à souvenir (The Box of Rememberance)
3. La chasse au tigre (The Tiger Hunt)
4. Le mystérieux colleur d'affiche (The Mysterious Billsticker)
5. Chassé-croisé (To and Fro)
6. Chapeau (Hat)

Iznogoud volume 4 - Le Grand Vizir (The Grand Vizier)
(DVD 2005 M6)

1. Le génie (The Genie)
2. Voyage officiel (Official Voyage)
3. Le sosie (The Double)
4. L'île des géants (The Isle of Giants)
5. Incognito
6. Des astres pour Iznogoud (Stars for Iznogoud)

Iznogoud 3-Pack
(DVD October 26, 2005 M6)

Contains the following DVDs:
1. Volume 1 - Le Vacances du Calife
2. Volume 2 - Le Jour des Fous
3. Volume 3 - Le Tapis Magique
